AGM & 30th anniversary of the Friends of the museum

On Tuesday 18 July, over 30 Members of the Friends’ Association met in the Chapel for their AGM and also to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Friends. During that time the Friends have supported the Museum, by raising over £36,000 in donations of money or goods for the Museum, and by raising the profile of the Museum locally by holding talks and concerts and arranging outings.

The AGM business being summarily dealt with, there was chance to reflect on the 13 years tenure of Kathy Powis as Chairman. During this time Kathy has been very pro-active in raising money for the purchase and redevelopment of Gunn Cottage and also supporting the Museum in more subtle ways, such as producing calendars and co-ordinating the acquisition of the Parker Family Bible by the Museum. After presentations to Kathy from the Friends, the Museum and the Trustees, we were entertained by musicians Tony, Kate and Rick while we enjoyed our refreshments.

You can find out more about the Friends of the museum and how you can get involved, by visiting our page.